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Nikki N. Kim
Nikki N. Kim is a senior majoring in Multimedia journalism and English at the University of Texas at Austin. Born in South Korea, Nikki adventurously moved to New Zealand at the age of fourteen by herself. Her time at one of the most beautiful places on Earth helped her cultivate aesthetic appreciation, as well as an understanding of different cultures. After graduating from Kristin School in New Zealand, she took a brief break and travelled around Japan. Though she was not very fond of journalism and news at first, moving around different parts of the world gradually got her interested in what goes around the world. She started attending UT Austin in 2007 and is graduating with a double degree in May 2011. 

Career Goals & Dreams

Her interest in journalism lies on those neglected and underrepresented of the society. As she realized that light reporting can never fully represent the voices of those neglected, she is now studying to become a documentary film director.


Spending most of her lifetime near the sea--and crossing the sea from time to time--, Nikki’s interest lies on all things exotic. She also likes to document things, from the most trivial to the most fascinating. This led to her broad hobbies including; writing; drawing; photography; and sound recording.

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